Scheduling Production Software


Softengine Scheduler

Realtime Production and Logistics Management


Production Routing

Allows for sub-status tracking of the production process. Using your own custom statuses, you can progress your production order through your operational workflow by drag-and-dropping orders, triggering SAP alerts to other individuals via those status changes.

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Logistics Scheduling

Calendar based board that will allow for the dock/door/or lane scheduling for coordinating pickups or shipments of your SAP marketing documents.

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Production Scheduling

Offers a calendar based board that will allow for the scheduling of SAP Production Orders at the Document, Route Stage, or Resource level.


Admin Panel Configuration Features

Most of the general features are controlled and configured through the administration panel. Admin panel features are:

Doors are a child item to the warehouse. While most organization simply assign demand and receipt to a warehouse, the ‘Doors’ component allow for a child table to schedule incoming doors/lanes within the warehouse to the associated document.

Scheduling Door Configurator

 You can set default calendar options and time overlap capabilities.

  1. Allowing Overlap – Can you have order occupy the same timeblock?

  2. Default Duration – How long you want the document to occupy the door or lane

  3. Default Timeframe – When looking at the calendar, do you want to see it it Hours, Days, Weeks, Months

  4. Default Start Time – The hourly view gives you a 12 hour window glance at a time, so choose when that window starts

Routing is a user-defined method to track individual stages or steps throughout the production process via a Kanban board process. Because these statuses are also updated within the SAP core application, you can also set internal SAP alerts based on the status change.

  1. Closed Document Visibility – How many days of closed PdO orders do you want to see in your ‘Closed’ column.

  2. Statuses – Create your own process stages, color code them, and move your documents through the process. You can color code and change the order through the utility.

Routing Option Scheduling for SAP Business One


Routing Scheduling with SAP Business One

This feature allows the end user to pre-filter and limit the data to just what they care about or need to see. These perspectives can be individual or shared, just simply name and store the label for your perspective.



  1. Document Types – Limit or filter between Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, and Inventory Transfers.

  2. Warehouse / Doors – Limit visibility to a specific warehouse, or a designated door or shipping lane

  3. Routing Projection – Do you manage your production flow by document, routing stage, or resource. Set your defaults here.

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Logistics Scheduling

  • The scheduling views can be consumed in an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly view, with simple drag-and-drop lane association. Documents can be scheduled from an unassigned sidebar, keeping non-current items out of your view. You can also customize your user experience by adjusting your perspective to a specific warehouse or marketing document type.

Logistics scheduling offers a calendar based board that will allow for the dock/door/or lane scheduling for coordinating pickups or shipments of your SAP marketing documents.

The scheduling views can be consumed in an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly view, with simple drag-and-drop lane association. Documents can be scheduled from an unassigned sidebar, keeping non-current items out of your view. You can also customize your user experience by adjusting your perspective to a specific warehouse or marketing document type.


Scheduling card information can be modified to show any available SAP information to assist in the scheduling and routing of the software transactions.

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Production Scheduling

  • Routing is a user-defined method to track individual stages or steps throughout the production process via a Kanban board process.

Production scheduling offers a calendar based board that will allow for the scheduling of SAP Production Orders at the Document, Route Stage, or Resource level.

The scheduling views can be consumed in an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly view, with simple drag-and-drop lane association. Documents can be scheduled from an unassigned sidebar, keeping non-current items out of your view. You can also customize your user experience by adjusting your perspective to a specific warehouse, route stage, or resource.

Production Routing


Production Routing allows for sub-status tracking of the production process. Using your own custom statuses, you can progress your production order through your operational workflow by drag-and-dropping orders, triggering SAP alerts to other individuals via those status changes.

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